Can someone please give me basic instructions on how to write a 10% summary please.

YOU just clarify the main points of what you are reading instead of explaining everything word for word...for instance explaining the highlighted words and things in bold print

Sure! Writing a 10% summary involves condensing a longer piece of text into a shorter, more concise version that captures the main points. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Read the text thoroughly: Begin by reading the complete text and understanding its main ideas, arguments, and supporting details. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the content.

2. Identify the key points: In order to write a 10% summary, you need to identify the most important points of the text. These are typically the main ideas or arguments the author is trying to convey.

3. Paraphrase succinctly: Take each key point and rephrase it in your own words, focusing on brevity and clarity. Use simple and concise language to convey the same meaning as the original text.

4. Eliminate unnecessary details: Avoid including minor details, specific examples, or supporting evidence in your 10% summary. Stick to the core ideas and omit any information that is not essential to understanding the main points.

5. Arrange the points logically: Structure your summary in a logical order, following the flow of the original text. This will help ensure that your summary is coherent and easy to follow.

6. Review and revise: Take a moment to review your 10% summary and make any necessary revisions. Ensure that it accurately captures the main points of the text and is within the desired length limit.

Remember, the goal of a 10% summary is to provide a condensed version of the original text while capturing its main ideas. It requires careful reading, analysis, and paraphrasing skills. Practice is key to improving your summarizing abilities, so try summarizing different texts to enhance your proficiency.