A cylinder must move a 2000 lb load 2 ft. How much work must it perform?

Work = 2000 * 2 = 4000 Ft-Lbs.

To calculate the work performed by the cylinder, you can use the formula:

Work = Force × Distance

Given that the load is 2000 lb and the distance is 2 ft, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Work = 2000 lb × 2 ft

Since lb and ft are both units of force and distance respectively, the resulting unit for work is lb·ft. Thus, the work that the cylinder must perform is 4000 lb·ft.

To calculate the amount of work performed by the cylinder, we can use the formula:

Work = Force * Distance

In this case, the force required to move the load is 2000 lb, and the distance over which the load is moved is 2 ft.

So, using the formula, we have:

Work = 2000 lb * 2 ft

To multiply these two values together, we need to convert the units of force from pounds (lb) to newtons (N), and the units of distance from feet (ft) to meters (m), as the International System of Units (SI) uses newtons and meters as its standard units.

1 pound (lb) ≈ 4.44822 newtons (N)
1 foot (ft) ≈ 0.3048 meters (m)

Converting the units, we get:

Work = (2000 lb * 4.44822 N/lb) * (2 ft * 0.3048 m/ft)

Calculating the values inside the parentheses first, we have:

Work = 8896.44 N * 0.6096 m

Finally, multiplying these two values together, we find:

Work = 5412.4 N·m

So, the cylinder must perform 5412.4 Newton-meters (N·m) of work to move the 2000 lb load over a distance of 2 ft.