Islam treated jews and christians with tolerance, but made them what?

1)Pay special taxes
2)worship Abraham & Moses
3)follow the nomadic way of life
4)work together.

I believe it is #4 or possibly 2?

Oh. Now I understand.

Although Muslims were tolerant of other religions, they imposed additional taxes on people who didn't believe in Islam.

It can't be # 2 because Christians and Jews had always revered Abraham and Moses as very important prophets.

Do you see evidence in your text that Muslims made Christians and Jews work together?

Please reread your text materials.

so is it the were made to follow the nomadic way of life?

Does your text say that Christians and Jews had to become nomads?

That's part of the problem, I don't have my text home and I'm trying to do from memory.

The correct answer is option 1) Pay special taxes. In Islamic societies, Jews and Christians were generally granted a status known as dhimmitude. This meant that they were allowed to practice their own religions, live in Muslim lands, and were provided with a certain degree of protection. However, as non-Muslims, they were required to pay special taxes called jizya as a form of tribute or protection money. This tax ensured their continued safety and allowed them to maintain their own religious and social structures. The option 2) worshiping Abraham and Moses is not an accurate statement, as Jews and Christians were allowed to worship according to their own faith traditions. The option 3) follow the nomadic way of life is not applicable either, as it does not relate to the treatment of Jews and Christians in Islamic societies. The option 4) work together is a general statement that does not specifically address the treatment of Jews and Christians in Islam.