i need to know how to write a axes paragraph on how technology can advance teens can you help

As you know, an axes paragraph consists of

Assertion, eXample, Explanation, Significance

Your assertion could be "Technology can advance teens."

Your next sentence should be an example. What example will you use?

my thesis is In these days technology can greatly impact teens in many advancing ways

an example can be that
A cellphone creates a safety net for teens and gives parents the ability to stay connected with them at all times.

I suggest you add a couple more examples, along with explanations and significance.

we need 3 body paragraphs with an axes form

OK. Is this your introductory paragraph? Is it supposed to be in axes form?

This site should help you.

my teacher said we need to do the 3 body axes paragraphs first than go to the introduction

also this is my 2st time sing this site

1st time

Welcome to Jiskha! :-)

OK. Let's start over.

We're working on your first body paragraph. Since your thesis statement is in the introduction, then your assertion in this paragraph could be something like
"A cellphone creates a safety net for teens."

Then give an example of how it creates a safety net. Your third sentence should explain the example. Your fourth sentence will tell why it's important.

Please study the site I posted for you.

A way a cellphone creates a safety net is because it can have a safe way of parents being in contact with their kids at all times. While their kids are away from their parents, the parents will have a good way of communication of what going on with them and if they need anything. This way parents know of the status of their kids in case of an emergency, kids can contact their parents in a simple way with a cellphone.

Good. Now on to your second body paragraph.