How would you translate 'it was better than i expected' into spanish?

'era mejor que esperé'

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You, as the speaker, can select between the Preterit (that GuruBlue gave you) or the Imperfect:

Era mejor de lo que esperé (or esperaba) = I did expect or I was expecting.


To translate "it was better than I expected" into Spanish, you can say "fue mejor de lo que esperaba."

To translate the phrase "it was better than I expected" into Spanish, you would say: "Fue mejor de lo que esperaba."

If you would like to know how to translate phrases like this in the future, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the main elements of the sentence: In this case, the main elements are "it," "better," "than," and "I expected."

2. Determine the corresponding translations for each element:
- "It" can be translated as "eso" or "esto," depending on the context.
- "Better" translates to "mejor" in Spanish.
- "Than" is translated as "que" in Spanish.
- "I expected" can be translated as "yo esperaba" or simply "esperaba," depending on the context.

3. Arrange the translated elements in the correct order: In Spanish, the adjective usually comes after the noun, so "better" will come after "it." The order would be: "It was better than I expected" translates to "Fue mejor de lo que esperaba" in Spanish.

Remember, translation can sometimes be context-dependent, so it's essential to consider the context and adapt your translation accordingly.