Select two of the six policy-making models identified in the fer article

What fer article?

1996: a conceptual model for studying social welfare

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To select two of the six policy-making models identified in the fer article, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Access the fer article: First, find and access the article written by Michael fer that discusses the six policy-making models. You can try searching for the article online, using academic databases or search engines. Make sure to locate a reliable and credible source.

2. Read the article: Start by reading the entire article to understand the context and gain knowledge about the six policy-making models discussed by fer. Pay close attention to the descriptions and characteristics of each model.

3. Identify the six models: While reading the article, identify and make a note of each of the six policy-making models mentioned by fer. It might help to highlight or underline the relevant information for future reference.

4. Evaluate the models: Once you have identified the six models, carefully evaluate each of them based on their relevance or significance to your question or topic. Consider factors such as complexity, effectiveness, and applicability in the context of policy-making.

5. Select two models: Based on your evaluation, choose two policy-making models that you find most relevant or useful for your needs. Consider your research question and the specific aspects you aim to explore or discuss.

Remember, the exact models identified in the fer article might depend on the content of the article itself. Therefore, it's crucial to access the article directly to ensure accuracy and relevance in selecting the two models.