bongani buys 1 litre of milk and drinks a quarter of it. what fraction of the litre of milk is left? bongani offers another 3 eighths of the leftover milk to his sister bongiwe what fraction of the litre of milk is left?

To determine what fraction of the liter of milk is left after Bongani drinks a quarter of it, we subtract a quarter from one whole (or one), which is equivalent to 1 - 1/4 = 3/4.

Therefore, Bongani has 3/4 of a liter of milk left after drinking a quarter of it.

Next, if Bongani offers three-eighths of the leftover milk to his sister Bongiwe, we can calculate how much milk is remaining.

To subtract three-eighths from three-fourths, we need to find a common denominator for both fractions. The least common denominator for 8 and 4 is 8.

Thus, we can rewrite three-fourths as 6/8.

Subtracting three-eighths from six-eighths gives us: 6/8 - 3/8 = 3/8.

Therefore, after offering three-eighths of the remaining milk to Bongiwe, Bongani is left with 3/8 of a liter of milk.

To find the fraction of the litre of milk that is left after Bongani drinks a quarter of it, you need to subtract one-quarter from one whole.

One litre is equal to four-quarters. If Bongani drinks one-quarter, then there are three-quarters (4 - 1) left.

So, the fraction of the litre of milk that is left after Bongani drinks a quarter is 3/4.

Now, let's calculate the fraction of the litre of milk that is left after Bongani offers three-eighths of the leftover milk to his sister, Bongiwe.

Initially, there were 3/4 of a litre left. Bongani gave Bongiwe three-eighths of this amount, which means Bongiwe received (3/8) * (3/4) = 9/32 of a litre.

To find the remaining amount, we need to subtract 9/32 from 3/4.

To perform this subtraction, we need to have a common denominator for 32 and 4, which is 32.

Since 4 can be expressed as (4/1) * (8/8) = 32/8, the subtraction becomes:

(32/8) - (9/32) = (32 - 9)/32 = 23/32.

Therefore, the fraction of the litre of milk that is left after Bongani offers three-eighths of the leftover milk to Bongiwe is 23/32.

after drink 3/4 is left

then he offers 3/8 * 3/4 = 9/16

1 - 1/4 - 9/16 = 3/16 left