i am dry but i am not dry. i am cold but i am not cold many wont come close to me while others wouldnt mind what am i ............ please help

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The answer could depend upon the subject material you are studying or I'm sure you would not have this for extra credi t. Could it be "ice?" There is ice and there is dry ice. When the ice melts, there is water. Some people would walk on ice in the winter and others would be afraid!

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Based on the given information, it seems like you are describing something that is paradoxical - it appears to be contradictory. Let's analyze the clues you provided to try and determine what you might be.

You mentioned that you are dry, but not dry, and cold, but not cold. This is contradictory, as something cannot be both dry and not dry, or cold and not cold at the same time.

The part about some people not wanting to come close to you while others don't mind, suggests that you might be something that has different effects on different people.

Given these clues, one possible answer could be "ice." Ice is solid water, so in a sense, it is dry, as it lacks the liquid state of water. However, it is not dry in the sense that it contains moisture. Similarly, ice is cold, as it has a low temperature, but it is not cold in the sense that it can cause a sensation of coldness to the touch.

Furthermore, some people might not want to come close to ice because it can be slippery and hazardous, while others may not mind being near it. This fits the aspect of different reactions from different people.

In summary, based on your clues, the answer could be ice.