what are some questions that i can research about the civil war? i already have:

1. How many people fought in the civil war?
2. How many soldiers died during the civil war?

How many soldiers died in prison camps?

In which battles were the most men killed?

Were there any women soldiers?

How many African-American soldiers were there?

What were the main fatal diseases among the troops?

Researching the Civil War is a fascinating topic! Here are a few additional questions you can explore:

1. What were the main causes of the Civil War?
To research this question, you can start by examining the tensions between the Northern and Southern states, including economic, political, and social factors that played a role in sparking the conflict.

2. What were the major battles of the Civil War and their significance?
To answer this question, you can look into significant battles like Gettysburg, Antietam, and Bull Run, and analyze their impact on the outcome of the war or their effect on public opinion.

3. How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect the course of the Civil War?
Researching this question involves studying President Abraham Lincoln's proclamation and understanding its impact on enslaved people, the Northern and Southern economy, and the war effort.

4. What were the roles of women and African Americans during the Civil War?
To explore this question, you can examine the contributions of women and African Americans to the war effort, their involvement as soldiers or spies, and the social changes that occurred as a result.

5. How did the Civil War impact the United States socially, politically, and economically?
This question involves investigating how the war transformed America, including exploring Reconstruction, changes to the federal government, and the long-term effects on the economy and society.

Remember, when conducting research, it is always a good idea to use trustworthy sources, such as historical books, academic journals, or reputable websites.