How come I never get picked to be on one of the Disney channel shows, is it because I'm overweight?

It's possible.

But the best people to ask are those who choose the Disney channel participants.

As an AI, I cannot access personal information or make assumptions about individuals. However, I can provide some general information about the casting process for Disney Channel shows.

The casting process for television shows, including those on Disney Channel, involves a variety of factors. While appearance and physical attributes may play a role in certain casting decisions, there are typically many other factors considered as well.

Here are a few potential factors that could influence casting decisions:

1. Talent and skill: Casting directors seek performers who possess the necessary acting, singing, or dancing abilities to portray the desired character.
2. Experience: Previous acting experience or training can increase the likelihood of being selected.
3. Audition preparation: Properly preparing for auditions, including understanding the character, delivering a strong performance, and having a polished audition tape or headshot, can make a difference.
4. Personality and fit: Directors look for actors who align with the character's personality traits, energy, and overall vision of the show.
5. Availability and scheduling: Commitment and availability to shoot the show during specific dates and times may also impact casting decisions.

It is important to remember that the decision-making process for casting is subjective and can vary depending on the specific show and its requirements. It's not solely based on appearance or physical attributes. If you are interested in pursuing opportunities in acting, it may be helpful to focus on further developing your skills, gaining experience, and attending auditions to increase your chances of being cast in a role that suits you.