Solve for b

Y=(5/8)b + 10

Y=(5/8)b + 10

don't like fractions, so...
times everybody by 8
8y = 5b + 80
5b = 8y + 80
divide by 5

b = (8/5)y + 16

To solve for b in the equation Y = (5/8)b + 10, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract 10 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term (5/8)b on the right side:
Y - 10 = (5/8)b

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of (5/8), which is 8/5. This step is done to cancel out the fraction and solve for b:
((8/5)(Y - 10)) = ((8/5)(5/8)b)
Simplifying further:
(8/5)(Y - 10) = b

Therefore, the value of b is given by the expression (8/5)(Y - 10).