A poster is 3 times a long as it is wide.

A banner is 5 times as long as it is wide.
Both the banner and the poster have perimeters
of 24 inches.

What are the length and width of the poster and the banner

Poster:3 x 8

Banner:5 x 4.8

Poster:3 times nine and ten times two

poster: 3x9

banner: 2x10


To find the length and width of the poster and the banner, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's denote the width of the poster as 'w', and its length as '3w' since it is 3 times as long as it is wide.

Similarly, let's denote the width of the banner as 'x', and its length as '5x' since it is 5 times as long as it is wide.

We know that the perimeter of both the poster and the banner is 24 inches.

The perimeter of a rectangle can be calculated by adding all four sides. In this case, for the poster, the perimeter is given by:

Perimeter of the poster = 2(width) + 2(length)
24 = 2w + 2(3w)
24 = 2w + 6w
24 = 8w
w = 3

Therefore, the width of the poster is 3 inches.

Using w = 3, we can find the length of the poster:

Length of the poster = 3(width)
Length of the poster = 3(3) = 9 inches

Now, let's find the width and length of the banner.

Perimeter of the banner = 2(width) + 2(length)
24 = 2x + 2(5x)
24 = 2x + 10x
24 = 12x
x = 2

Therefore, the width of the banner is 2 inches.

Using x = 2, we can find the length of the banner:

Length of the banner = 5(width)
Length of the banner = 5(2) = 10 inches

So, the dimensions of the poster are 3 inches by 9 inches, and the dimensions of the banner are 2 inches by 10 inches.

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