When dividing 0.08 by 0.4 I come up with 5, but I need to show it in a graph. I can't figure out how to do this

Look at your answer. 0.4 is much bigger than 0.08. How can it possibly go into it 5 times?

0.08/0.4 = 0.2

because 5*0.08 = 0.4

Hmmm. I suppose you meant "When dividing 0.4 by 0.08 I come up with 5"

In that case, mark the vertical axis in units of 0.08

The tic marks will be at

0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40

showing that 5*0.08 = 0.4
0.4/0.08 = 5