im writing an persuasive essay on technological advances help teens an i cant figure a thesis please help me with a thesis

What is the point you are trying to persuade?

the technolog helps advances teens

To develop a persuasive thesis statement on how technological advances benefit teens, follow these steps:

1. Identify the topic: Technological advances benefiting teens.
2. Understand the subject: Consider the positive impact of technology on teenagers from various aspects such as education, communication, socialization, and personal development.
3. Analyze the audience: Identify who your persuasive essay is targeting and what arguments might appeal to them (e.g., parents, educators, policymakers).
4. Conduct research: Gather evidence from credible sources to support your thesis statement.
5. Formulate your thesis: Compose a clear and concise thesis statement that encompasses the main argument of your essay.

Here are a few examples of potential thesis statements for your persuasive essay on how technological advances help teens:

1. "Technological advancements have become an indispensable tool in the hands of teenagers, providing them with enhanced educational opportunities, improved communication channels, and a platform for personal growth and creativity."

2. "Through technological advancements, teenagers are empowered to connect with the world, access unlimited educational resources, and develop essential skills needed for future success."

3. "Embracing technological advances yields numerous benefits for teens, including expanded learning opportunities, increased global awareness, and the ability to cultivate strong social connections."

Remember, your thesis statement should be persuasive, supported by evidence, and encapsulate the key points you will discuss in your essay.