Huong covered a box with sticky-backed decorating paper. The paper costs $.03 per square inch. How much money will Huong need to spend on paper if the height of the box is 9 inches, width is 3 inches, and the length is 7 inches?

Please show full work. Thank you.

To find the cost of the sticky-backed decorating paper, we need to calculate the total area of the box first.

The formula to calculate the surface area of a rectangular box is:

Surface Area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh

l = length
w = width
h = height

Plugging in the given values, we get:

Surface Area = 2(7)(3) + 2(7)(9) + 2(3)(9)
= 42 + 126 + 54
= 222 square inches

Now, we can calculate the cost of the paper by multiplying the total area by the cost per square inch:

Cost of Paper = Total Area × Cost per Square Inch
= 222 × $0.03
= $6.66

Therefore, Huong will need to spend $6.66 on paper to cover the box.

I thought Huong had to spend $3.42 because I multiplied $.03x9 and got $.27 and then I multiplied $.03x3 and got $.09. I also multiplied $.03x7 and got $.21, then I added them and got $.57. Finally I multiplied $.57x6 (by the number of sides of the box) and got $3.42. However, I am not sure if my answer is correct or not. Please help me if I did not get it right, if I did please tell me. Thank you.