A result from being multiplied

A. Product

B. Quotient

C. Multiplier

D. Expression



i mark that and got that wrong i don't understand how that's wrong

The answer key or program is wrong.


Check with your teacher.

The correct answer is A. Product.

To get this answer, you would need to understand the basic operation of multiplication. In multiplication, you multiply two or more numbers together to find their product. The product is the result or answer you get when two or more numbers are multiplied.

For example, if you multiply 2 and 3, the product would be 6. In this case, 2 and 3 are the numbers being multiplied, and 6 is the product. Similarly, if you multiply 4, 5, and 6, the product would be 120. In this case, 4, 5, and 6 are the numbers being multiplied, and 120 is the product.