whyat area in North America was point of contention between FRANCE / ENGLAND?

Quebec, Canada, and surrounding areas were disputed between France and England.

The area in North America that was a major point of contention between France and England is known as the Ohio River Valley.

To find the answer to this question, you can do a quick search using keywords like "France, England, North America, point of contention." This will provide you with relevant historical information about the conflict between France and England in North America.

During the 18th century, France and England were engaged in a series of conflicts known as the French and Indian War or the Seven Years' War. One of the primary causes of this conflict was the struggle for control over the Ohio River Valley.

The Ohio River Valley was a strategically important region due to its abundant resources and its role as a crucial transportation route. Both France and England recognized the valley's significance and sought to establish dominance over the area. This led to clashes and rivalries between their respective colonies in North America.

Ultimately, the conflict resulted in a series of battles and wars, and France eventually ceded control of the Ohio River Valley to England with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. This marked a significant turning point in the balance of power in North America, leading to further geopolitical shifts and eventually contributing to the American Revolution.