which kind of software program allows students to write, revise,move ,erase and print words

word processor

I would say Powerpoint, Openoffices, and some other softwares just type in " Keynote " and download if you have a Mac. Also try Google Docs Presentation.

And Sliderocket ( you can also add pics with it! )
Try 280 Slides
or Prezi!

The software program that allows students to write, revise, move, erase, and print words is called a word processing program. One of the most popular word processing programs is Microsoft Word, which is part of the Microsoft Office suite.

To use a word processing program like Microsoft Word, follow these steps:

1. Install the word processing program on your computer. If you are using Microsoft Word, you can either purchase it or use a free alternative, such as Google Docs or LibreOffice Writer.
2. Open the program by clicking on its icon or by searching for it in your computer's application menu.
3. Once the program is open, you will see a blank document ready for you to start typing.
4. Begin writing by simply placing your cursor in the blank document and start typing. You can write, revise, and move words or sentences within the document using the keyboard and mouse.
5. To erase words or sentences, you can either press the backspace or delete key on your keyboard or highlight the text and press the delete key.
6. If you want to print your document, click on the "File" menu (or equivalent) in the top-left corner of the program window, then select "Print" from the dropdown menu. Follow the printer prompts to complete the printing process.

Word processing programs offer additional features like formatting text, adding images or tables, spell checking, and more. Exploring the program's toolbar and menus will allow you to discover these features and further enhance your writing and formatting capabilities.