A moving company charges $800 plus $16 per hour. Another moving company charges $720 plus $21 per hour. How long is job that costs the same no matter which company is used?

Let x = time in hours

Since their costs must be equal,
800 + 16x = 720 + 21x
800 - 720 = 21x - 16x
80 = 5x
x = 16 hours

Hope this helps~ :3

16 hours

To find out how long the job is that costs the same no matter which company is used, we need to set up an equation based on the information given. Let's represent the job length in hours as "x".

For the first moving company, the cost is calculated as $800 plus $16 per hour:
Cost of the first moving company = $800 + $16x

For the second moving company, the cost is calculated as $720 plus $21 per hour:
Cost of the second moving company = $720 + $21x

Since we want to find the job length that results in the same cost for both companies, we need to set the two equations equal to each other and solve for "x":

$800 + $16x = $720 + $21x

To simplify the equation, let's subtract $720 from both sides:

$800 - $720 + $16x = $720 - $720 + $21x

Simplifying further, we get:

$80 + $16x = $21x

Next, we can subtract $16x from both sides:

$80 + $16x - $16x = $21x - $16x

Simplifying again, we get:

$80 = $5x

Now, let's isolate "x" by dividing both sides of the equation by $5:

($80) / ($5) = ($5x) / ($5)

Simplifying further, we have:

16 = x

Therefore, the job length that costs the same no matter which company is used is 16 hours.

16 Hours