Who is to blame for the death of Romeo and juliet?

My clues i think are, Friar, Nurse, Fate, Parents, mercuito, tybalt,prince and their haste.
i need some help understanding why

I doubt you'll come up with only one person or idea as your answer. As in all of Shakespeare's plays, everything is complicated, usually with subplots and lots of intrigue.

When you get your ideas written up, please post them and someone here will be happy to comment on your thinking. Meantime, here are some websites that can help you:





To determine who is to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet, we need to examine the contributions and actions of each possible entity you mentioned: Friar, Nurse, Fate, Parents, Mercutio, Tybalt, Prince, and their haste.

1. Friar: Friar Lawrence plays a significant role in the couple's tragic fate. He marries Romeo and Juliet secretly, as he believes it could unite their feuding families. However, his flawed plan to fake Juliet's death and reunite her with Romeo ultimately leads to their untimely deaths.

2. Nurse: The Nurse acts as a confidante and helper to Juliet. While she supports Juliet's love for Romeo initially, she later advises her to marry Paris for security. Her change of heart leaves Juliet feeling betrayed and seeking Friar Lawrence's risky plan.

3. Fate: Fate represents the idea that Romeo and Juliet's death was predetermined. Various uncontrollable circumstances, such as the timing of Romeo's arrival at Juliet's tomb, contributed to their tragic end.

4. Parents: The Capulets (Juliet's parents) and Montagues (Romeo's parents) played a role in escalating the tensions between the families that led to their children's forbidden love affair. However, they were not directly involved in Romeo and Juliet's death.

5. Mercutio: As Romeo's best friend, Mercutio's death served as a turning point in the play. When Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo's friendship turns into a desire for revenge, causing a series of events that ultimately lead to Romeo killing Tybalt and his subsequent banishment.

6. Tybalt: Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, fuels the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. His actions indirectly contribute to Romeo's and Juliet's tragic end. His death also prompts Romeo's banishment, leading to the lovers' desperate measures.

7. Prince: Prince Escalus is the ruler of Verona and represents the authority figure in the play. While he tries to maintain peace and order, he is unable to prevent the deaths of Romeo and Juliet despite his warning.

8. Haste: The impulsive and rash decisions made by Romeo and Juliet further contribute to their own downfall. Their haste in getting married, Romeo's killing of Tybalt, and Juliet's decision to take a sleeping potion all contribute to their tragic end.

In summary, the blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet can be attributed to a combination of factors and individuals, including Friar Lawrence, the Nurse, the influence of fate, Mercutio, Tybalt, the poor feud resolution efforts of their parents, the limitations of authority, and the haste of the young lovers themselves. Each entity contributes in their own way to the tragic events that unfold.