What did the baby buzzard say when it say an orage in the nest

Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

Lol umm I was wondering to

To understand what the baby buzzard might say when it saw an orange in the nest, let's analyze the question. It seems like there might be a typo, as the word "orage" is most likely meant to be "orange." Assuming that's the case, we can address this question in a humorous context, as it revolves around a playful wordplay.

The answer to this question is simply a pun: "Dad, is that an or-ANGE in the nest?" The baby buzzard's response plays on the similarity in sounds between "orange" and "or-ANGE," where "or-ANGE" sounds like "orange" when pronounced differently.

While this joke may not have a specific or obvious answer, it often serves as a light-hearted wordplay to entertain. Remember, jokes and puns are subjective and may not resonate with everyone in the same way.