A 154-pound woman walks at 3.0 mph 0% grade for 5 min, runs at 5.5 mph 5% grade for 32 min. What is her total caloric expenditure?

To calculate the total caloric expenditure, we need to determine the calories burned during the walk and the run. First, let's calculate the calories burned during the walk.

To determine the calories burned during walking, we can use the formula:

Calories burned = (MET value * weight in kg) * (duration in minutes / 60)

Where MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) is a measure of the intensity of physical activities. For walking at 3.0 mph on a 0% grade, the MET value is approximately 3.3.

Step 1: Convert the weight from pounds to kilograms.
154 pounds = 154 / 2.20462 = 69.85 kg (rounded to two decimal places).

Step 2: Calculate the calories burned during the walk.
Calories burned during walk = (3.3 * 69.85) * (5 / 60) = 28.70 calories (rounded to two decimal places).

Now, let's calculate the calories burned during the run.

To determine the calories burned during running, we can use the same formula as above but with a different MET value. For running at 5.5 mph on a 5% grade, the MET value is approximately 9.

Step 3: Calculate the calories burned during the run.
Calories burned during run = (9 * 69.85) * (32 / 60) = 309.00 calories (rounded to two decimal places).

Step 4: Calculate the total caloric expenditure.
Total caloric expenditure = Calories burned during walk + Calories burned during run
Total caloric expenditure = 28.70 + 309.00 = 337.70 calories (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, the total caloric expenditure for the woman is approximately 337.70 calories.