Hello I'm in Geometry Honors (I'm a freshman btw) and I'm failing with a D. I talked to my counselor about switching me out and going to regular and she says it's okay BUT she needs a letter from my mother saying it's okay to switch me out.

I was wondering if you can write the letter saying something like :HI my name is (your name) and I am under the impression that my daughter is failing geometry and I think she isn't ready for geometry honors. bla bla bla

Thanks a bunch!

Huh!??? I haven't written such a letter since I was in high school.

Obviously we are not going to impersonate your mother by writing a letter.

Doesn't your mom want you to drop this class?

Yes she wants me to drop it because she sees i'm struggling but I need a letter that's written in english that way she (my mother) can translate it spanish.

It would still be better if you help your mother write the letter. It'll be much better (and more honest) if you and she write it together -- even if it's not all grammatically perfect.

I guess you're right thank you anyways :)

You're welcome. And good luck! :-)

Dear (Counselor's Name),

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my concern regarding my daughter's performance in her Geometry Honors class. After discussing the matter with her, I have come to the conclusion that she may not be adequately prepared for the challenges posed by this advanced course. Therefore, I kindly request her transfer from Geometry Honors to the standard Geometry class.

I believe that it is crucial for my daughter to excel academically and build a solid foundation in mathematics. Although she approached Geometry Honors with determination and enthusiasm, her current progress indicates that she may benefit from a slower-paced learning environment. By transitioning to the regular Geometry class, she will have the opportunity to reinforce fundamental concepts and gain the confidence necessary for success in future mathematics courses.

I understand that the decision to switch courses lies within your hands, and I trust your judgment to make the best choice for my daughter's educational advancement. I am confident that the regular Geometry class will offer a suitable learning environment in which she can thrive and achieve her full potential.

Thank you for considering my request. If there is any additional information or steps I need to take, please let me know. I appreciate your attention to this matter and your commitment to my daughter's academic well-being.


(Your Name)

(Your Contact Information)