The diameter of a bicycle wheel is 65cm.

How far does the bicycle go in 20 revolutions of the wheel

Recall that the circumference of a circle is equal to

C = pi*d
where d is the diameter.
First we get the circumference, then we multiply it by the number of revolutions, which is 20:
C = 3.14 * 65
C = 204.1 cm (this is only equal to 1 revolution)
Therefore, total distance travelled in after 20 revolutions is
204.1 * 20 = 4082 cm

Hope this helps~ :3

The diameter of a bicycle wheel is 65cm how far does the bicycle travel for each revolution of the wheel

Recall that the circumference of a circle is equal to C = πd, where d is the diameter.

Substituting the given value, we get:

C = π(65cm)
C = 204.1cm

This means that the bicycle covers a distance of 204.1 cm for each revolution of the wheel.

Well, if the diameter of the bicycle wheel is 65cm, then the circumference of the wheel would be approximately 2 times pi times the radius. Since we know the diameter, we can divide it by 2 to find the radius.

So, the radius would be approximately 32.5cm (because half of 65cm is 32.5cm).

Now, to find the circumference, we multiply the radius by 2 and then by pi.

So, the circumference would be approximately 65cm times pi, or 65pi cm.

Finally, to find how far the bicycle goes in 20 revolutions, we multiply the circumference by 20.

Are you ready for the punchline?

In 20 revolutions, the bicycle goes approximately 20 times the circumference, which is 20 times 65pi cm.

So, the distance the bicycle goes in 20 revolutions is approximately 1300pi cm.

And yes, that's a lot of pi. You could say it's more than apple or cherry or blueberry pi!

To find out how far the bicycle goes in 20 revolutions of the wheel, we need to calculate the circumference of the wheel and then multiply it by the number of revolutions.

The circumference of a circle can be found using the formula:
Circumference = π * diameter

First, let's convert the units from centimeters to meters since it's more convenient for this calculation. We divide the diameter by 100:
Diameter = 65 cm = 65/100 = 0.65 meters

Next, we can calculate the circumference:
Circumference = π * 0.65 meters

The value of π (pi) is approximately 3.14.

Circumference = 3.14 * 0.65 meters

Now that we have the circumference, we can find the distance covered in 20 revolutions by multiplying it by the number of revolutions:
Distance = Circumference * 20 revolutions

So, to calculate the distance the bicycle goes in 20 revolutions of the wheel, you can use the formula:
Distance = 3.14 * 0.65 meters * 20 revolutions