An architectural firm makes a model of a science center they are building. The ratio of the model to the actual size is 1 in.:85 ft. Estimate the height of the building if the model is 1.5 inches tall.

1.5 * 85 = _______ feet



To estimate the height of the building, we can use the given ratio of the model to the actual size.

The ratio provided is 1 in.:85 ft, which means that one inch on the model represents 85 feet in the actual building.

Since the model is 1.5 inches tall, we can set up a proportion to find the height of the actual building:

1 in. / 85 ft. = 1.5 in. / x

To solve for x (the height of the building), we can cross multiply:

1 in. * x = 85 ft. * 1.5 in.

x = (85 ft. * 1.5 in.) / 1 in.

x = 127.5 ft.

Therefore, the estimated height of the building is 127.5 feet.