I want to know what scene in V for Vendetta shows the intended message for 1984.

If you only have watched v for Vendetta what are some good scenes that shows the authors message.

If you only read 1984 what id the authors intended message in the book?

Thanks In Advance

I read 1984 a long time ago. Orwell wanted to alert the readers to the dangers of totalitarian governments.

Read these sites carefully.



Thanks...if you ever find a scene in V for Vendetta (before Tuesday) please let me know...but thanks a ton

To find the scene in V for Vendetta that shows the intended message for 1984, you can analyze the film based on its themes and compare them to those in George Orwell's novel 1984. Keep in mind that V for Vendetta is not a direct adaptation of 1984, but it explores similar themes of government control, surveillance, and totalitarianism.

If you have only watched V for Vendetta, here are some scenes that reflect the author's message:

1. The opening scene: Pay attention to the TV news broadcast and the state propaganda that is prevalent throughout the movie. This scene sets the tone for the government's control and manipulation of information.

2. V's introduction: When V saves Evey from being assaulted by government agents, he introduces himself in a monologue that highlights his determination to fight for freedom and justice. This scene sets up the theme of resistance against an oppressive regime.

3. The "V" symbol: Throughout the film, the symbol of the letter "V" is prominently displayed, representing the power of ideas and the potential for individuals to challenge and change an authoritarian system. Look for scenes where the symbol appears, as they often convey the author's message.

Keep in mind that V for Vendetta's intended message may differ from 1984, as it explores its own distinct themes and offers a different social and political commentary.

Regarding the intended message in George Orwell's 1984, if you have only read the book, the author's main message revolves around the dangers of totalitarianism, government surveillance, and the manipulation of language and truth. It is a warning against the abuse of power and the suppression of individual freedom. Key scenes in the book that convey this message include Winston's rebellion against the Party, his interactions with Julia, and his eventual capture and reeducation.

Remember, interpretation of literature can vary, and it is essential to engage with the text and different perspectives to fully understand the author's intended message.