how do you solve for w in a bmi equation, if only height (h=65 inches)is known and w (weight) is what is to be solved for? Bmi=703w/h^2

multiply by h^2:

Bmi*h^2 = 703w
w = Bmi*h^2/703
= Bmi*65^2/703
= 6.0 * Bmi

Unless you have a Bmi, you can't get a numeric answer for w.

To solve for w (weight) in the BMI equation, you need to rearrange the equation by isolating the variable w.

The BMI equation you provided is:

BMI = (703 * w) / h^2

To solve for w, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply both sides of the equation by h^2 to eliminate the denominator:

BMI * h^2 = 703 * w

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 703 to isolate w:

w = (BMI * h^2) / 703

Now, you can plug in the known value of h (height) into the equation and substitute it into the formula. For example, if h = 65 inches:

w = (BMI * 65^2) / 703

Calculating the value of w requires knowing the BMI as well. If you have that information, you can substitute it into the formula along with the height value to find the weight (w).