When the movie Star Wars premiered in 1977, it was both surprising and a revolution in its special effects

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To confirm that the movie Star Wars premiered in 1977 and revolutionized special effects, we can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser: Launch a web browser on your computer or smartphone. Any popular web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari will work.

2. Search for "Star Wars premiere date": In the search bar of your web browser, type "Star Wars premiere date" and hit enter or click on the search button.

3. Check reliable sources: Look for credible websites that provide accurate information about movies and their release dates. Examples of such sources include IMDb (Internet Movie Database), Wikipedia, or official Star Wars websites.

4. Verify the premiere date: Click on the search results that display the release date of Star Wars from a reliable source. Usually, the first few results on the search page provide relevant information. IMDb is a popular choice since it lists comprehensive details about movies.

5. Confirm details: Once you open the source with the premiere date of Star Wars, look for the information related to the movie's release year. In this case, you will find that Star Wars indeed premiered in 1977.

To verify the claim about Star Wars revolutionizing special effects, you can follow a similar process:

1. Search for "Star Wars special effects revolution": Use the same web browser and search bar.

2. Look for credible sources: Explore the search results that display articles or reviews discussing the impact of Star Wars on special effects. Choose reliable sources such as film history websites, interviews with industry professionals, or critiques of the film.

3. Read and compare information: Open the chosen sources and read about the special effects in Star Wars. Look for details on how they were groundbreaking or revolutionary for their time.

By following these steps, you should be able to confirm that the movie Star Wars premiered in 1977 and revolutionized special effects.