An object moves in a circular path with constant speed. Is the object's velocity constant? Is its acceleration constant? Please explain.

From what I've learned in my 8th grade science class, when velocity changes is when the direction or speed changes. So if it is moving in a circular path, it is constantly changing direction, so I imagine that the velocity is not constant. As for acceleration, the formula is acceleration=mass*velocity (correct me plz if I'm wrong), and the velocity is constantly changing, so there is no definite "velocity" you can put in the problem. So I think the acceleration would not be constant, either. I am not sure if this is right, it's been awhile since I've done acceleration and velocity problems. Hope this kinda helps! :-)

You are on the right track with your reasoning! Let's go into a bit more detail to fully understand the concepts of velocity and acceleration in this situation.

Velocity is a vector quantity that describes both the speed and direction of an object's motion. If an object moves in a circular path at a constant speed, it means that the magnitude of its velocity, which is the speed, remains constant. However, since the object is constantly changing its direction as it moves in a circle, the direction of its velocity is not constant. Therefore, we can conclude that the object's velocity is not constant because its direction is changing.

Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes. It is a vector quantity that also has both magnitude and direction. In this case, despite the object moving at a constant speed, its direction is changing. Since acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the change in time, we can see that the object's velocity is constantly changing due to the change in direction. Therefore, the object is experiencing acceleration.

To understand why this is the case, we need to consider the relationship between velocity and acceleration in circular motion. The direction of the object's velocity vector is always tangent to the circular path, while the direction of its acceleration vector is directed towards the center of the circle. This inward acceleration is known as centripetal acceleration.

In summary, when an object moves in a circular path with constant speed, its velocity is not constant because the direction of its velocity is changing. Additionally, its acceleration is also not constant because it is constantly changing its velocity due to the change in direction. The concept of centripetal acceleration helps us understand the changing nature of velocity and acceleration in circular motion.