How could the fact 36/6=6 help you estimate the quotient of 364,573/64?

To estimate the quotient of 364,573/64 using the fact that 36/6=6, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the thousands digits.
- Divide 364 by 6 (since thousands place numbers are being divided by 10), remembering that 36/6=6.
- 364 divided by 6 is approximately 60.7.

Step 2: Divide the other digits.
- Divide the remaining digits (573) by 6, remembering that 36/6=6.
- 573 divided by 6 is approximately 95.5.

Step 3: Combine the results.
- Combine the results from step 1 and step 2.
- The estimated quotient of 364,573/64 is around 60,900.

Keep in mind that this is just an estimation, as we rounded the numbers in each step. For a more accurate result, perform the actual division of 364,573 by 64.