Thank you, Bob. If the system does work on the external world, the energy of the system remains the same. Is this true or false?

False. THe total energy in the system has decreased.

To determine if the statement is true or false, we need to understand the concept of energy conservation. Energy conservation states that in a closed or isolated system, the total amount of energy remains constant over time.

In the given scenario, if the system is indeed working on the external world, it implies that energy is being transferred between the system and its surroundings. According to the principle of energy conservation, the total energy in the system should remain the same.

However, you stated that the total energy in the system has decreased. To address this contradiction, we should consider the possibility that energy might not be conserved due to various factors, such as energy losses through friction, heat transfer, or other forms of energy dissipation.

Therefore, based on your assertion, it would be accurate to conclude that the statement is false. In this case, the system's energy has decreased, indicating that energy conservation within the system may not be upheld.