Pat has $3. He gets some from his parents. He now has twice as much money as Dani. Write an expression to represent how much money Dani has. Tell what the variable represents.

Let the amount he gets from his parents be $x

He now has 3+x

Pat now has twice as much as Dani
Dani has half of what Pat has

Dani = (1/2)(3+x)


To write an expression representing how much money Dani has, we can use the variable 'D' to represent the amount of money Dani has. If Pat now has twice as much money as Dani, then the expression representing Dani's amount of money would be half of Pat's money. Since Pat now has $3, the expression representing Dani's money can be written as:

D = (1/2) * Pat's money.

Here, the variable 'D' represents the amount of money Dani has.