Which of theses items provide the most zinc?

French fries, 10 strips
Oatmeal cookie
Cup of apple juice
Cup of chocolate milk


4. Which of theses provides the most Vitamin A? Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K?

French fries, 10 strips
Oatmeal cookie
Cup of apple juice
Cup of chocolate milk

You can find these answers in the same way I found the answer to your first question.

Google: food Vitamin A


To determine which of these items provides the most zinc, you can start by looking up the nutritional information for each item. The nutritional information should be available on the packaging, on the company's website, or on a reputable nutrition database.

Look for the amount of zinc in each item, usually listed in milligrams (mg). Once you have the zinc content for each item, you can compare them to see which one provides the most zinc. The item with the highest zinc content will be the one that provides the most zinc.

You can also consider portion sizes while comparing the zinc content. Some items might have higher zinc content, but if the portion size is smaller, the overall amount of zinc intake might be lower.

Remember that the nutritional content can vary depending on the brand or how the food is prepared, so it's important to refer to the specific nutritional information for the items you are comparing.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine which of the listed items provides the most zinc.