how do I

Write a two class application that has a one-dimensional array as a data member. The array stores temperatures for any given week. Provide constructors for instantiating the class and methods to return the highest temperature, lowest temperature, average temperature, and the average temperature excluding the lowest temperature. Provide a method that accepts as an argument a temperature and returns the number of days the temperatures were below that value. Override the ToString( ) method to return the temperature range for the given week. Write a second class to test your class

Looks like the first class performs all of the functions, and the second class calls of the functions to make sure they are performing properly.

Do you have any specific questions about this?

To write a two-class application with the specified functionality, follow these steps:

1. Create a class called "TemperatureTracker" that contains the required methods:

public class TemperatureTracker {
private int[] temperatures;

// Constructor to initialize the array with given temperatures
public TemperatureTracker(int[] temps) {
temperatures = new int[temps.length];
for (int i = 0; i < temps.length; i++) {
temperatures[i] = temps[i];

// Method to find the highest temperature
public int getHighestTemperature() {
int maxTemp = temperatures[0];
for (int temp : temperatures) {
if (temp > maxTemp) {
maxTemp = temp;
return maxTemp;

// Method to find the lowest temperature
public int getLowestTemperature() {
int minTemp = temperatures[0];
for (int temp : temperatures) {
if (temp < minTemp) {
minTemp = temp;
return minTemp;

// Method to calculate the average temperature
public double getAverageTemperature() {
int sum = 0;
for (int temp : temperatures) {
sum += temp;
return (double) sum / temperatures.length;

// Method to calculate the average temperature excluding the lowest temperature
public double getAverageTemperatureExcludingLowest() {
int sum = 0;
int minTemp = getLowestTemperature();
int count = 0;
for (int temp : temperatures) {
if (temp != minTemp) {
sum += temp;
return (double) sum / count;

// Method to count the number of days temperatures were below a given value
public int countTemperaturesBelow(int value) {
int count = 0;
for (int temp : temperatures) {
if (temp < value) {
return count;

// Override toString() method to return temperature range for the given week
public String toString() {
return "Temperature range for the week: " + getLowestTemperature() + " - " + getHighestTemperature();

2. Create a second class called "TestTemperatureTracker" to test the functionality of the "TemperatureTracker" class:

public class TestTemperatureTracker {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] temperatures = {25, 27, 24, 26, 28, 23, 29};

// Create an instance of TemperatureTracker
TemperatureTracker tracker = new TemperatureTracker(temperatures);

// Test the methods
System.out.println("Highest temperature: " + tracker.getHighestTemperature());
System.out.println("Lowest temperature: " + tracker.getLowestTemperature());
System.out.println("Average temperature for the week: " + tracker.getAverageTemperature());
System.out.println("Average temperature excluding the lowest: " + tracker.getAverageTemperatureExcludingLowest());

int targetTemp = 25;
System.out.println("Number of days temperatures were below " + targetTemp + ": " + tracker.countTemperaturesBelow(targetTemp));


3. Compile and run the "TestTemperatureTracker" class to see the output.

Note: Make sure both classes are saved with their respective filenames ("" and "") and are in the same directory.