determine if the following lines are parallel, perpendicular or neither. Explain your reasoning.

-2x+3y=3 2x+3y=3

Rewrite them in y = mx + b form to get the slopes, m.

The lines are parallel of the slopes are the same. They are perpendicular if the product of the slopes is -1

I FOUND THAT Y=2X/3+1 AND Y=-2X/3+1

No, they aren't . The product of the slopes is not -1. It is -4/9 in this case

SO WHAT IS IT???????????????????????


The given lines -2x+3y=3 and 2x+3y=3 can be rewritten in the form y = mx + b to determine their slopes.

For the first equation:
Rearranging, we get:
3y = 2x + 3
Dividing by 3, we obtain:
y = (2/3)x + 1

For the second equation:
Rearranging, we get:
3y = -2x + 3
Dividing by 3, we obtain:
y = (-2/3)x + 1

Comparing the equations, we find that the slopes of both lines are (2/3) and (-2/3) respectively.

To determine if the lines are parallel or perpendicular, we need to check if the slopes are equal or if their product is -1.

In this case, the slopes are not equal, as 2/3 is not equal to -2/3. Additionally, their product is not -1. The product of (2/3) and (-2/3) is (-4/9).

Therefore, the given lines are neither parallel nor perpendicular to each other.