What are The fraction from least to greatest. 1/4, 0.7, 3/5

To order the fractions from least to greatest, we need to convert the decimal 0.7 into a fraction.

0.7 can be written as 7/10 because the decimal point is one place to the right of the number 7.

Now, we have the following fractions: 1/4, 7/10, and 3/5.

To compare fractions, we need to make sure they share a common denominator. In this case, the least common denominator (LCD) is 20.

Let's convert each fraction to have a denominator of 20:

1/4 becomes 5/20 (multiplied the numerator and denominator by 5)

7/10 becomes 14/20 (multiplied the numerator and denominator by 2)

3/5 remains the same, as it already has a denominator of 5.

Now we have the following fractions: 5/20, 14/20, and 3/5.

To order them from least to greatest, we compare the numerators:

5/20, 3/5, 14/20

5/20 is the same as 1/4, so the correct order from least to greatest is:

1/4, 3/5, 7/10 (or 0.7 in decimal form).

To arrange fractions from least to greatest, we need to convert them to a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator we can use is 20. Let's go step by step:

1. To convert 1/4 to twentieths, multiply the numerator and denominator by 5: (1/4) x (5/5) = 5/20.
2. To convert 3/5 to twentieths, multiply the numerator and denominator by 4: (3/5) x (4/4) = 12/20.

Now, let's compare the three fractions:

- 5/20, 0.7 (which is equivalent to 0.7/1), and 12/20.

Since 0.7 is not a fraction, let's convert it into a fraction. 0.7 can be written as 7/10.

Now, let's compare the fractions again:

- 5/20, 7/10, and 12/20.

Arranging them from least to greatest, we have:

5/20, 7/10, 12/20.

But we can simplify these fractions further:

- 5/20 simplifies to 1/4.
- 12/20 simplifies to 3/5.

So the fractions, from least to greatest, are:

1/4, 7/10, 3/5.

Note that 0.7 is also 7/10.

The given are 1/4, 7/10, 3/5
What you can do here is first find the LCD (Least Common Denominator) or the smallest number where it is divisible by 4, 10 and 5. By looking, we can say that the LCD = 20.
Then we convert each fraction at which their denominator is equal to 20:
5/20 , 14/20 , 12/20
Now it's easier to arrange them. From least to greatest:
5/20 , 12/20 , 14/20

Note that the 14/20 is also 0.7
Hope this helps~ :3

'Order the fraction or mixed number from least to greatest' 1/4 0.7 3/4