A yard measures a x b feet the swingset space is a x c feet how much lawn is left after swing set

Solve the formula for area of a trapezoid

A= h(b1+b2)

Solve for b1


To find out how much lawn is left after the swingset is placed, we need to subtract the area of the swingset space from the total area of the yard.

The total area of the yard can be calculated by multiplying its two dimensions a and b:

Total area of the yard = a * b

The area of the swingset space can be calculated by multiplying the length a with the width c:

Area of the swingset space = a * c

To find out how much lawn is left, we subtract the area of the swingset space from the total area of the yard:

Lawn area left = Total area of the yard - Area of the swingset space
= (a * b) - (a * c)
= a(b - c)

Therefore, the amount of lawn left after the swingset is placed is given by the equation a(b - c) square feet.