How do I determine the number of hydrogen atoms in .0885 mol Tetracarbon decahydrogen?

0.0885 mols C4H10

mols H atoms = 10 times that.
Then 1 mol of anything contains 6.02E23; therefore, 0.0885 x 10 mols will contain......


To determine the number of hydrogen atoms in a given amount of a compound, you can use Avogadro's number and the molar ratio of atoms in the compound.

The compound Tetracarbon decahydrogen (C4H10) has a molar ratio of 4:10 between carbon and hydrogen atoms.

1. Begin with the given amount of the compound, which is 0.0885 mol.
2. Multiply the molar ratio of hydrogen atoms (10) by the amount of the compound in moles:

0.0885 mol * 10 = 0.885 mol of hydrogen atoms

3. Finally, use Avogadro's number to convert moles to the number of atoms. Avogadro's number is approximately 6.022 × 10^23 atoms per mole.

0.885 mol * (6.022 × 10^23 atoms/mol) = 5.321 × 10^23 hydrogen atoms

Therefore, there are approximately 5.321 × 10^23 hydrogen atoms in 0.0885 mol of Tetracarbon decahydrogen.

To determine the number of hydrogen atoms in a given number of moles of a compound, you need to use Avogadro's number and the formula of the compound.

Tetracarbon decahydrogen has the chemical formula C4H10.

Avogadro's number is 6.02214076 × 10^23 particles per mole.

To determine the number of moles of hydrogen atoms in the compound, you'll use the formula:

Number of moles = (Number of particles) / (Avogadro's number)

Given that you have 0.0885 mol of Tetracarbon decahydrogen, you can calculate the number of moles of hydrogen atoms by multiplying the number of moles of the compound by the ratio of hydrogen atoms in the compound.

The ratio of hydrogen atoms in Tetracarbon decahydrogen is 10:1 (10 hydrogen atoms for every 1 molecule of the compound).

Therefore, the number of moles of hydrogen atoms in Tetracarbon decahydrogen is:

Number of hydrogen atom moles = (0.0885 mol Tetracarbon decahydrogen) * (10 mol hydrogen atoms/1 mol Tetracarbon decahydrogen)

Once you have the number of hydrogen atom moles, you can determine the number of hydrogen atoms by multiplying it by Avogadro's number:

Number of hydrogen atoms = (Number of hydrogen atom moles) * (Avogadro's number)

Plug in the values into the equation, and you'll get the number of hydrogen atoms in the given amount of Tetracarbon decahydrogen.