What could be some flaws of discrimination (black people)?

You're going to have to explain your question better. It's not clear what you're asking about.

what could be the flaws if discrimination wasn't allowed? i don't know how to explain it

I don't know of any downside to having no discrimination.

If there were no discrimination at all, then race, gender, age, mental capacity, etc., would not have any place in our thinking. I don't know how that could be considered flawed!!


You're welcome.

Discrimination against any group of people, including black people, is fundamentally wrong and harmful. It perpetuates inequality, diminishes opportunities, and damages individuals and communities. Here are some key flaws and negative consequences of discrimination against black people:

1. Injustice and unfairness: Discrimination is based on an irrational and biased belief that one race is superior to another. It denies black individuals their inherent rights, including equal treatment, representation, and social, economic, and educational opportunities.

2. Human rights violations: Discrimination against black people violates their basic human rights, as defined by international conventions such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It disregards principles of equality, nondiscrimination, and dignity.

3. Economic and social implications: Discrimination limits black people's access to employment, housing, education, and healthcare. This exclusion perpetuates socioeconomic disparities, inhibits personal and community development, and hinders economic growth.

4. Psychological and emotional harm: Discrimination inflicts emotional and psychological distress on black individuals. It erodes self-esteem, self-worth, and overall mental well-being, leading to stress, anxiety, and, in extreme cases, depression.

5. Segregation and division: Discrimination fosters social divisions and reinforces racial segregation. It creates separate realities and restricts social integration, impeding collective progress and societal harmony.

6. Missed opportunities for cultural enrichment: Discrimination prevents the acknowledgment and appreciation of diverse cultures, perspectives, and contributions to society. It deprives everyone, not just black people, of the opportunity to learn and benefit from a rich mix of experiences and knowledge.

To combat discrimination, it is crucial to promote awareness, education, empathy, and policies that ensure equality and social justice for black people and all marginalized groups.