an equilateral triangle has a side of length 2x-3. Its perimeter is 51 inches, find the length of each side


solve for x, then solve for each side (2x-3)

thank you, can you please help direct me with my other question posted earlier today?

Much appreciated.

To find the length of each side of an equilateral triangle, we can use the fact that all three sides are equal in length.

Let's denote the length of each side as "s".

According to the given information, the perimeter of the equilateral triangle is 51 inches.

The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of the lengths of all its sides. Since an equilateral triangle has three equal sides, we can express the perimeter as:

Perimeter = s + s + s = 3s

Given that the perimeter is 51 inches, we can write the equation:

3s = 51

Now, we can solve for s:

Divide both sides of the equation by 3:
s = 51 / 3

s = 17

Therefore, each side of the equilateral triangle has a length of 17 inches.