animals posses sensory powers that humans lack. Homing pigeons fly with great speed and accuracy when with messages to faraway places

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That's correct! Animals, including homing pigeons, possess sensory powers that humans may lack. Homing pigeons are known for their remarkable ability to navigate and find their way back to their home from very long distances. This impressive skill is due to a combination of several sensory powers they possess. Here's an explanation of how homing pigeons achieve this:

1. Visual Navigation: Homing pigeons have excellent eyesight and can observe and remember landmarks, landscapes, and even celestial cues (like the position of the sun or stars) to orient themselves. They can detect and differentiate small visual details, which helps them create a mental map of their surroundings.

2. Magnetoreception: Pigeons also have the ability to sense the Earth's magnetic field. They possess tiny magnetic minerals called magnetite in their beaks, which acts like a built-in compass. This allows them to determine their direction accurately, even on overcast days or in unfamiliar areas.

3. Olfactory Navigation: Pigeons have a highly developed sense of smell. They can detect and remember specific odors in their surroundings, allowing them to recognize familiar locations. This ability helps them navigate by using scent cues to find their way back home.

4. Sun Compass: Homing pigeons are also able to utilize the position of the sun as a navigational tool. They can determine their direction by using their internal sense of time and the sun's position relative to their home loft.

Combining these sensory powers, homing pigeons can fly with great speed and accuracy when delivering messages to faraway places. By using their keen vision, magnetic senses, smell, and the position of the sun, they can navigate over long distances, making them exceptional navigators and impressive flyers.