in a round robin tennis tournament involving 7 players, each player will play every other player twice. How many total matches will be played in the tournament?

a. 21
c. 42
d. 48
e. 56

7*6 = 42

To find the total number of matches in the tournament, we first need to calculate the number of matches each player plays against other players.

In a round-robin tournament, with n players, each player plays against the other (n-1) players. Since there are 7 players in this tournament, each player will play (7-1) = 6 matches against other players.

However, in this case, each player plays every other player twice. This means that the number of matches played by each player will be doubled.

So, the number of matches played by each player = 6 matches * 2 = 12 matches.

Since there are 7 players, we multiply the number of matches played by each player by the number of players:

Total number of matches = 7 players * 12 matches/player = 84 matches.

However, each match involves two players, so the total number of matches will be half of 84.

Total number of matches = 84 matches / 2 = 42 matches.

Therefore, the answer is option c. 42