The religious revivals of nineteenth-century America included people who became very excited, claiming that God spoke to them directly. These people were called

A. literalists.
B. revivalists.
C. Bible beacons.
D. enthusiasts.

I think it's C.

Read, read, read, and let us know what you decide:


Actually, the correct answer is D. enthusiasts.

To arrive at this answer, you could employ a few strategies. Firstly, you could eliminate answer choices that don't fit the description given in the question. In this case, A. literalists and C. Bible beacons do not directly refer to the described group of people, so they can be eliminated.

Next, you can consider the other remaining options: B. revivalists and D. enthusiasts. Revivalists were indeed a prominent group during the religious revivals of nineteenth-century America, but they encompassed a wider range of individuals beyond those who claimed God spoke directly to them. Therefore, the most accurate answer is D. enthusiasts, as it exclusively refers to individuals who became overly excited and claimed to have direct communication with God.

So, the correct answer is D. enthusiasts.