After Kate's visit to Paris, her memories about what she saw and learned were influenced by music in

the background, by the comments of her traveling companion, and by the light reflecting off the Seine,
reminding Kate of her childhood home on the banks of the Wabash. Psychologists would say Kate's
memories of Paris are influenced by the meanings she gave to aspects of her experience through
A. episodic memory.
B. constructive processes.
C. flashbulb memories.
D. implicit memories.

episodic memory

D.implicit memories

To determine the correct answer, let's understand what each option means:

A. Episodic memory refers to the ability to recall specific personal events, such as experiences and incidents, along with the contextual details of when and where they occurred.

B. Constructive processes involve using available information to fill in the gaps in a memory, which can be influenced by various factors such as emotions, beliefs, and past experiences.

C. Flashbulb memories are vivid, highly detailed recollections of certain events that are often emotionally significant and have a sense of photographic accuracy. These memories are usually associated with surprising or traumatic events.

D. Implicit memories are unconscious memories that are acquired through experience and influence behavior without conscious awareness.

Given the information provided in the question, the most appropriate answer would be B. constructive processes. Kate's memories of Paris are influenced by the meanings she gave to aspects of her experience, such as the music, comments of her traveling companion, and the light reflecting off the Seine. These interpretations and associations made by Kate suggest that constructive processes are at play in shaping her memories.