How do you parse these words?

1. Rendition
2. Ambiguous
3. Deleterious
4. Euphemism
5. Alacrity
6. Respite
7. Polemical
8. Timorous
9. Adulation
10. Eschew

What exactly do you mean by parsing these words?

Breaking them into prefix, root, and suffix. And also telling what the prefix, root, and suffix mean.

Thanks for clarifying "parse." You'll need to look these words and parts of words up in a dictionary. I've done the first one for you.

To parse these words, you need to break them down into their different components: the root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Let's go through each of the words and break them down:

1. Rendition:
- Root word: "Rend" means to tear apart.
- Suffix: "-ition" denotes a state or condition.

2. Ambiguous:
- Root word: "Ambi-" means both or around.
- Suffix: "-uous" means full of or characterized by.

3. Deleterious:
- Root word: "Deleter" means to cause harm or damage.
- Suffix: "-ious" means characterized by or full of.

4. Euphemism:
- Root word: "Eu-" means good or well.
- Suffix: "-ism" denotes a belief or practice.

5. Alacrity:
- No distinct prefixes or suffixes.
- The word itself means brisk and cheerful readiness.

6. Respite:
- No distinct prefixes or suffixes.
- The word itself means a short period of rest or relief.

7. Polemical:
- Root word: "Polem" means war or conflict.
- Suffix: "-ical" means characterized by or relating to.

8. Timorous:
- Root word: "Timor" means fear or timidness.
- Suffix: "-ous" means full of or characterized by.

9. Adulation:
- Root word: "Adul" means to flatter or praise excessively.
- Suffix: "-ation" denotes an action or process.

10. Eschew:
- No distinct prefixes or suffixes.
- The word itself means to deliberately avoid or abstain from.

By breaking down the words into their root words, prefixes, and suffixes, we can better understand their meanings and how they might relate to other words with similar components. Parsing words in this way can help improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills.