one sample of magnesium fluoride produced 1.65kg of magnesium and 2.58kg of fluorine. A second sample produced 1.31kg of magnesium. How much fluorine (in grams) did the second sample produce?

......MgF2 ==> Mg + F2

............. 1.65...2.58
So (1.65/1.31) = (2.58/x)
Solve for x.


To find out how much fluorine the second sample produced, we need to use the information given about the first sample.

We know that the first sample produced 1.65 kg of magnesium and 2.58 kg of fluorine. Therefore, we can calculate the ratio of magnesium to fluorine in the first sample.

Ratio of magnesium to fluorine in the first sample = 1.65 kg : 2.58 kg

To find out how much fluorine is produced by the second sample, we need to use this ratio and the amount of magnesium produced by the second sample.

We are given that the second sample produced 1.31 kg of magnesium. We can use the ratio to calculate the amount of fluorine produced by the second sample.

Amount of fluorine produced by the second sample = (Amount of magnesium produced by the second sample) * (Ratio of fluorine to magnesium in the first sample)

Plugging in the values, we get:

Amount of fluorine produced by the second sample = 1.31 kg * (2.58 kg / 1.65 kg)

Simplifying this, we find:

Amount of fluorine produced by the second sample = 2.05 kg

However, we need to convert this to grams, as the question asks for the amount of fluorine in grams.

Converting 2.05 kg to grams, we multiply by 1000:

Amount of fluorine produced by the second sample = 2.05 kg * 1000 = 2050 grams

Therefore, the second sample produced 2050 grams of fluorine.