TechTown is filled with companies that produce computer parts and software. Which sentence best describes TechTown?

a. TechTown specializes in computers.
b. TechTown has a high demand for software.
c. TechTown must have a command economy.
d. TechTown imports many computers.


What is the most likely result of increased labor productivity?

a. Producers will raise the prices for their goods.
b. Producers will make goods more quickly.
c. Producers will hire many more workers.
d. Producers will experience higher demand for their goods.


1. wrong

2. right

Yes. 1A.

It says TechTown (this is a made up company) is filled with companies that produce

computer parts and software. Describe what TechTown specializes in.

WHAT IS THE ANSWER!!! :] Oh and if u want to lpay roblox with me my account is Lillyann322

Yes, the correct answer for the first question is option b. TechTown has a high demand for software. This can be inferred from the fact that the companies in TechTown produce computer parts and software.

For the second question, the correct answer is also option b. Producers will make goods more quickly. Increased labor productivity means that workers are able to produce more output per unit of time. This can result in faster production of goods.