which of the following does not require extra attention while reading an informational text ?

A)words that begin with the same letter
B)word sin bold
C) maps
D) diagrams

typo* B) words in bold

I'll be glad to check your answer.

The correct answer is A

Klynn is right. The correct answer is A. Just took the Practice :)

Klynn isn't right. The correct answer is A. Just took the Practice :)

The correct answer is a

To determine which of the options does not require extra attention while reading an informational text, let's consider each option:

A) Words that begin with the same letter: When reading an informational text, it is important to pay attention to words that begin with the same letter because they could be related or form a pattern. Analyzing the use of words starting with the same letter may reveal connections or emphasize specific concepts.

B) Words in bold: When reading an informational text, words in bold are often used to highlight important information or key terms. Paying extra attention to bold words can help you grasp the main points or understand the main ideas being conveyed.

C) Maps: Maps are visual representations of information and require careful examination while reading an informational text. Understanding the meaning and context of the map can enhance your understanding of the text and provide a spatial perspective on the topic.

D) Diagrams: Similar to maps, diagrams are visual aids used in informational texts to help explain concepts or illustrate processes. Analyzing and comprehending diagrams can enhance your understanding of the text, particularly when it involves complex information or step-by-step procedures.

From the given options, the one that does not explicitly require extra attention while reading an informational text is A) words that begin with the same letter. This is because while it may be interesting to notice patterns or connections between words starting with the same letter, it is not essential for understanding the main ideas or concepts being discussed in the text.