what were two purposes of the mounds built by the mound builders?

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I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

The mounds built by the mound builders served several purposes. These mounds were constructed by various Native American cultures across North America between 3,000 BCE and 1250 CE. While there were different reasons behind building mounds, two main purposes were:

1. Ceremonial and Religious Practices: Many mound builders used mounds as sacred places for conducting religious ceremonies, burials, or other ritualistic practices. The mounds often served as platforms for temples or burial grounds for important leaders or revered individuals. They were considered spiritually significant and served as a connection between the physical realm and the spiritual or supernatural world.

To find more specific information about the religious practices and ceremonies associated with the mounds built by the mound builders, you can conduct research using keywords like "religious significance of mound builders" or "ceremonial purposes of mound mounds."

2. Cultural and Social Centers: Mounds also functioned as gathering places for communities and played a role in the social and cultural life of the mound builders. Some mounds were used as elevated platforms for important community events, such as public meetings or festivals. They served as prominent landmarks and were often located near rivers, trade routes, or other strategic locations.

If you want to explore further information about the cultural and social significance of mound builders and their mounds, you can search for resources using terms like "social significance of mound builders" or "cultural centers of mound builders."

Remember, for comprehensive and accurate information, it is always beneficial to consult reputable sources such as academic publications, archaeological studies, or museum websites that specialize in the mound builder cultures.