please check my answer thanks

Which of the following statements decribes operant conditioning

A. it primarily involves involuntary respones controlled by the reaseacher
B. it involves behavior modified by consequences
C. it involves the modification of reflexes through trial and error
D. it's slower and mor resistant to extinction than classical conditioning

I picked D

I disagree. Check this site.

To check your answer, let's go through each option one by one:

A. "It primarily involves involuntary responses controlled by the researcher." This statement is not accurate. Operant conditioning is based on voluntary behavior and focuses on the consequences of that behavior.

B. "It involves behavior modified by consequences." This statement is correct. Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened or weakened by the reinforcement or punishment that follows it. The consequences of behavior play a crucial role in operant conditioning.

C. "It involves the modification of reflexes through trial and error." This statement is not accurate. This description seems more aligned with a trial-and-error learning process, which is different from operant conditioning.

D. "It's slower and more resistant to extinction than classical conditioning." This statement is incorrect. Operant conditioning is generally considered to be faster and more resistant to extinction compared to classical conditioning. In operant conditioning, behavior is modified and shaped based on consequences, leading to relatively quick changes in behavior.

Based on the explanations, it seems like your answer of "D" is incorrect. The correct answer is B: Operant conditioning involves behavior that is modified by consequences.